Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Too tired to function...

I can't even bare the thought of being poor for the rest of my life. I work so hard and my biggest fear is never having enough money to survive. Right now I barley live paycheck to paycheck. I'm an over qualified for my job, and I have no idea where my life is going career wise. I just want to live without the fear of not being able to afford my own house one day or be able to afford a child. No one cares any more. every business is trying to squeeze every last dime out of me for the most rediculous things! I just want to make it and that is not happening. I just want to crawl into bed and never come out if this is how the rest of my life is going to be. My mom always says "God doesn't give you more then you can handle" and the only way I can get through this is thinking that if all this wasn't happening to me then it would be happening to someone else who couldn't handle it like me. I'm just sleepy...

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