Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When asked what my best feature is I would answer "My feet" because they (to me) are beautiful. I have four tattoos (two on each foot/ankles) and think my feet are stunning. HOWEVER just about everyone else would say that my best feature are my tits! I have large boobs. 42G's to be exact. They didn't not gradually become this big. I realized early in school that my boobs were bigger then everyone elses. I put two and two together and realized that since I was heavier set then most of the girls that my boobs were big because of that. I figured they would eventually stop growing. Unfortunatly that didn't happen. So here I am at age 25 and about to get breast reduction surgery.

I have never had surgery. I am a little nervous and to top it all off I went onto youtube and looked up the procedure. I WISH I DID NOT do that! I've been having nightmares about what could go wrong! I have never been good with pain so that is also dwelling on my mind.

The surgery is scheduled for May 15th. For those two weeks of recovery I will be logging the process.

Onto better news I am graduating this Saturday! YAY! It's about time!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Too tired to function...

I can't even bare the thought of being poor for the rest of my life. I work so hard and my biggest fear is never having enough money to survive. Right now I barley live paycheck to paycheck. I'm an over qualified for my job, and I have no idea where my life is going career wise. I just want to live without the fear of not being able to afford my own house one day or be able to afford a child. No one cares any more. every business is trying to squeeze every last dime out of me for the most rediculous things! I just want to make it and that is not happening. I just want to crawl into bed and never come out if this is how the rest of my life is going to be. My mom always says "God doesn't give you more then you can handle" and the only way I can get through this is thinking that if all this wasn't happening to me then it would be happening to someone else who couldn't handle it like me. I'm just sleepy...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Summer - Ice Cream Heaven

For ten years I have worked at a small mom and pop ice cream shop in Pennsylvania. I started at 14 as an assistant prep cook and have made it all the way up to kitchen manager. Now I am about to start another summer and I'd like to share some helpful hints if you ever stop by a small mom and pop run business:

1. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the customer doesn't know. So if you have to stand in line a little longer then you think is necessary remember that we put in hours upon hours of work that you may not know about.
2. If you wait in line for over 30 minutes then you should KNOW what you want in line especially because we have very large menus posted outside of the ordering window.
3. Last year I had ONE thing returned to the kitchen because I forgot a topping. ONE thing! I make thousands of orders in a summer, that is a good track record. So a smile would be appreciated when I deliver your food out the window, it's hot and sometimes lonely in the back cooking when others are serving you up front.
4. I work 2 full time jobs in the summer, I'm glad Saturday and Sunday are your days off, but they are my busiest. In fact I don't get a full day off until two weeks after labor day.
5. "Thank you" is very easy to say to me.
6. I'm standing on concrete for 10 hour shifts, my feet hurt so if at 8 pm I'm not quick on my feet that should be understandable.
7. When I answer the phone "Thank you for calling ________ Ice Cream, how can I help you?" means we ARE open.
8. Every morning I have to pick up all the trash that you leave around. It's usually sticky, and gross so please deposit your trash into the trashcans provided, it's just common courtesy.
9. The bathroom is not the place to smoke cigarettes or clean up after mudding around. Treat our bathroom like your bathroom at home.
10. Don't bang on the window, I don't bang on yours.
11. We serve ice cream. Kids love ice cream so there are a lot of kids at the shop. So when you drive into the parking lot going 50 mph you are not only putting yourself in danger but also the children that visit our establishment.
12. The boss has the final word, it's not my last name on the marquee, it's his so he is god!

Ice cream is fun, so enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pipe Dreams

Remember growing up and teachers would ask: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" my mother loves to tell the story that I raised my hand on one of these fateful days and told the entire class I wanted to be a "nudy dancer" (stripper). Well that pipe dream never saw reality (thank god) but I've had some other dream jobs that I don't see becoming a reality including but not limited to: Cop, Bounty Hunter, screnewriter, romance novelist (that one might still be on the table), Head Chef, bartender (think cowboy ugly)...

Now I would just settle for a steady job as a teacher with benefits and paid time off.

Image Detail

Monday, January 16, 2012

Election Year 2012

In 2008 I was at the front of the line for the Presidential election. Afterwards I wrote the following:

Election day I woke up nice and early at 6:40 am. I pulled on a pair of jeans and my "VOTE NOW" t-shirt mom got me at Old Navy. I got into my car and drove to Dunkin Donuts where I got an extra large coffee with cream and sugar. I could see my breath but I couldn't feel the cold as I waited outside of West Chester's Borough Garage for the polls to open. Promptly at 7:00am the poll opened and I entered the polling place. I was 11th in line to cast my first presidential vote of my life time. After I slid my ballot into the machine I was out the door and on my way to Lawerence Dinning Hall, one of two locations on Campus that West Chester University students could vote, as well as a few borough residents.
I took my seat on an over worn plastic chair that had seen better days. The table I was at had the varnish pealing off of it. I took my GOP registered voter list, a pen and my second cup of coffee and began the next six hours of my day. When the poll worker called out the name of the registered voter I crossed that name off my list. As the day rolled on the line for the poll grew. At a time college students were waiting up to 2 and a half hours! strange however, if found it, that the only people complaining were older borough residents who spent more than their lunch hour standing in line. The students gave the place a mood of excitement. Some carried foldable chairs to sit the journey out, others bopped their heads to their Ipods. still some came with all their friends, star eyed students who were also taking part in their first election.
After six hours, when it was drizzling outside my list was taken by the Ward 3 representative Scott Brion (who happens to be the son of the Chester County GOP Chair Josef "Skip" Brion). He thanked me for my service, and since knowing me for the whole summer thanked me for everything. I headed out of Lawerence Hall and pulled on my Phi Mu sweatshirt and I walked the four blocks home in the spritzing weather. On the walk home I had time to think about November 4th 2008 and who would be running our country come January 20th. When I arrived at home I was greeted by my roommates and fellow sorority sisters. We opened up a bottle of Arbor Mist and sat on the mixed matched couches of our quaint living room and watched the election results. No matter what the outcome I knew I had done my civic duty...

In 2008 I voted for Obama even though I worked for the Republicans all summer. This year I'm not so sure about who to vote for or how any candidate can change my personal problems going on in the world including helping me reach the "American Dream". I'm not sure its a possibility anymore.